Template Sites With Multiple Designs

Introduction Let’s say you want to offer multiple design options for your template site. For example, if you’re offering your service to Cleaning Companies you might want them to be able to choose from a variety of Home Cleaning design layouts. There are a couple of ways to approach this, each, of course, with its…

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Why Build Your SaaS With WordPress?

Introduction WordPress is an incredible platform on which to build your next SaaS. It’s been around (what feels like) forever, has a huge community of developers, is well understood, has tons of themes and feature plugins and uses a battle tested tech stack. However, building a SaaS on it is not the same as building…

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Building A Template Site For Your WordPress SaaS

Introduction Building your template site is the hardest part of deploying a WordPress SaaS. This is because most plugins and themes are simply not ready to be deployed in an automated manner. If you’re a plugin developer looking to build a WaaS then you have control over your plugin code and how it behaves when…

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